A lot of people prefer to have a .txt database to handle instead of .Yml database

Choose with format you prefer and shuffle them!
For example you can have item_db with text format and mob_db with yml format.

Be able to start your server with a last rathena version with your old database text files.
It It doesnt include the feature to load last items from YML to TXT. You have to transform it yourself if you want to have them.

Find below related files

/// Uncomment to enable item db txt loading
/// item_db.txt
/// item_randomopt_db.txt
/// item_group_db.txt
/// item_combo_db.txt
#define ITEMDB_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable mob db txt loading
/// mob_db.txt
/// mob_avail.txt
/// mob_chat_db.txt
/// mob_item_ratio.txt
#define MOBDB_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable skill db txt loading
/// skill_db.txt
/// skill_tree.txt
/// guild_skill_tree.txt
/// spellbook_db.txt

/// Uncomment to enable pet db txt loading
/// pet_db.txt
/// #define PETDB_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable item_cash db txt loading
/// item_cash_db.txt

/// Uncomment to enable abra db txt loading
/// abra_db.txt
///#define ABRADB_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable quest db txt loading
/// quest_db.txt
///#define QUESTDB_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable instance db txt loading
/// instance_db.txt

/// Uncomment to enable attr_fix db txt loading
/// attr_fix.txt
///#define ATTRDB_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable const db txt loading
/// const.txt
///#define CONSTDB_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable mob_branch db txt loading
/// mob_branch.txt

/// Uncomment to enable job db txt loading
/// job_exp.txt
/// job_basehpsp_db.txt
/// job_db1.txt
///#define JOBDB_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable create_arrow db txt loading
/// create_arrow_db.txt

/// Uncomment to enable statpoint db txt loading
/// statpoint.txt

/// Uncomment to enable castle db txt loading
/// castle_db.txt
///#define CASTLEDB_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable level_penalty db txt loading
/// level_penalty.txt

/// Uncomment to enable mercenary db txt loading
/// mercenary_db.txt

/// Uncomment to enable elemental db txt loading
/// elemental_db.txt

/// Uncomment to enable homunculus db txt loading
/// homunculus_db.txt

/// Uncomment to enable exp_homun db txt loading
/// exp_homun.txt

/// Uncomment to enable exp_guild db txt loading
/// exp_guild.txt
///#define GUILDEXP_TXT

/// Uncomment to enable magicmushroom db txt loading
/// magicmushroom_db.txt


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